LCAP Parent Input Meetings 2023-2024
LCAP - Parent Input Meetings 2324 - FINAL for Website.pdf 63.26 KB (Last Modified on November 21, 2023) -
Superintendent Responses 2022-2023 LCAP & 2023-2024 LCAP
LCAP Superintendent Responses 22_23 LCAP and 23_24 LCAP.pdf 508.04 KB (Last Modified on June 6, 2023) -
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 2020/21 (English)
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan - Revised Final.pdf 294.01 KB (Last Modified on December 1, 2020) -
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 2020/21 (ESP/Spanish)
Spanish - Learning Conitinuity and Attendance Plan.pdf 253.06 KB (Last Modified on December 1, 2020)