Community Involvement
Canyon Springs Community School
Policy for Parent Involvement
The staff at Canyon Springs Community School recognizes that family and community involvement are essential components for student success. The engagement of parents, families, and community members in the education of our children creates a positive bond between the home and the school. Research shows that when schools and families work together to support learning, children tend to succeed not just in school, but throughout life. In fact, the most accurate predictor of a student’s achievement in school is not income or social status, but the extent to which that student’s family is able to:
- Create a home environment that encourages learning;
- Express high expectations for their children’s achievement and future careers;
- Become involved in their children’s education at school and in the community.
*Parent involvement refers to the efforts of any caregiver who has the responsibility for caring for a child, including parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, foster parents, stepparents, etc.
Parent Involvement Policy
An annual meeting will be held at the beginning of each school year to review and update this policy and to inform parents of their rights under Title I. The team will review instructional programs to determine ways to improve student achievement through parent involvement. Issues, concerns and feedback will be solicited from parents to ensure improvement to our school programs.
Parents will be involved in the following manner:
- Parent support classes will be held in both English and Spanish so that all parents are provided the opportunity to fully participate.
- Parent support classes will be offered in the evenings and during the day to provide all parents the opportunity to participate.
- Parent Title I school wide program meetings will be held as required.
- All parents are invited to attend Back to School Night. The administrator and teachers will provide presentations regarding academic programs, grade-level curriculum, Common Core State Standards, and expected proficiency levels for student achievement.
- Teachers will provide parents with progress reports each trimester as needed to inform them of their child’s academic status and provide suggestions for assistance.
- Teachers will hold parent conferences two times each year to discuss academic and behavioral progress.
Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement
A school-parent compact has been devised to outline how parents, students, and staff will share the responsibility for the improvement of student academic achievement. It will be signed by all stakeholders and reviewed annually and modified as needed. The compact will include:
- Staff responsibilities for ensuring student academic achievement in the Common Core State Standards.
- Parent responsibilities for supporting their child’s academic achievement (e.g. regular student attendance, homework, parent attendance at school events and conferences)
- Student responsibilities for academic success (e.g. focus on learning, being prepared, being respectful and responsible for behavior and assigned work)
Building Capacity for Parent Involvement
In order to improve student academic achievement and enhance the partnership among the school, parents, and the community, we will do the following:
- Provide regularly scheduled informational meetings and workshops to address topics requested and needed by parents. To address the requirements in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title I, Section 1118, the school shall enable parents to gain a better understanding of the following:
- State academic and achievement goals all students are expected to meet.
- How to monitor their children’s progress through interpreting state and district assessment reports and student progress reports.
- Strategies to use at home to support their child’s academic achievement, such as monitoring the completion of homework and school assignments, reading with their child, working with math, literacy training, etc.
- Strategies and techniques to assist their children with learning activities at home that support and extend the school’s instructional program
- Skills to access community and support services that strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning and development.
- Encourage parents to attend meetings, events, school activities, as well as volunteer in the classroom, by earning points through our Parent University program every time they participate
Canyon Springs Community School will provide parents with limited English proficiency opportunities to fully participate in school-sponsored activities/events by translating all meetings and workshops. All written notices will be in both English and Spanish. As needed, additional support will be provided for parents with disabilities.
Canyon Springs Community School
2016-2016 Home and School Compact
Canyon Springs School believes that all teachers have the right to teach and all students have the right to learn.
Teacher’s Pledge
As a Canyon Springs School teacher, I will be responsible for the following:
- Promoting learning that ensures mastery of the California State Standards and developing challenging lessons for all students.
- Differentiating instruction and holding all students to the highest of expectations
- Teaching lessons that reflect a personal enthusiasm for learning.
- Assisting students in getting along with peers and making appropriate choices.
- Assisting with the development and enforcement of school and classroom rules.
- Consistently communicating with students and parents about academic and behavioral outcomes.
- Abiding all campus and district policies, rules, regulations and procedures.
Staff Signature __________________________________________________________
Student’s Pledge
As a Canyon Springs student, I will be responsible for the following:
- Coming to school ready to learn.
- Cooperating with all adults working at the school by following school and classroom rules.
- Behaving in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of other students and the instructional
- Attending class on time daily.
- Completing all assigned class work and homework.
- Respecting school property.
- Bringing home all progress reports, conference notices, and newsletters and giving them to
parents to read and/or sign.
Student Signature ________________________________________________________
Parent’s Pledge
As a Canyon Springs parent, I will be responsible for the following:
- Instilling in my child a desire to learn and do his/her best.
- Helping my child develop acceptable behavior that includes control and accountability for his/her words and actions.
- Becoming familiar with and supporting the rules my child is expected to follow.
- Modeling respect for school staff and administration in front of children and other adults.
- Attending all Parent/Teacher conferences.
- Reading all progress reports and newsletters.
- Making sure my child is present and on time daily.
- Making certain that my child has completed his/her homework by the due date.
- Ensuring that my child is in good health, is properly nourished and has enough rest daily.
- Writing notes for all absences the day my child returns to school.
- Picking up my child from school on time.
- Communicating with the school regularly and in a positive manner.
- Keeping our office staff up to date with new telephone numbers and addresses.
- Being financially responsible for any school materials or books that are lost or damaged.
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________
In order to ensure student success, ongoing communication between parents and teachers is essential.
Escuela Primaria Canyon Springs
2017-2018 Convenio Entre El Hogar Y La Escuela
Creemos que los alumnos tienen el derecho de aprender y los maestros el derecho de educar.
Responsabilidades del Personal
Como miembro del personal de la escuela Canyon Springs yo seré responsable de lo siguiente:
- Promover el aprendizaje basado en las Normas Estudiantiles de California.
- Tener diferentes métodos de enseñanza y tener las mas altas expectativas para cada estudiante.
- Reflejar el entusiasmo por el aprendizaje.
- Asistir a los alumnos para que tengan una buena relación con los demás y tomen buenas decisiones.
- Asistir en el desarrollo, comunicación y cumplimiento de las reglas.
- Comunicarse regularmente con los padres y los alumnos con referencia al progreso académico y disciplinario.
- Seguir todas las reglas, regulaciones y procedimientos de la escuela y el distrito escolar.
Firma del Personal __________________________________________________________
Responsabilidades del Alumno
Como alumno de la escuela Canyon Springs, yo seré responsable de lo siguiente:
1. Venir a la escuela para aprender.
2. Cooperar con todos los adultos que trabajan en la escuela, siguiendo las reglas de la escuela y del salón de clases.
3. Comportarse en una manera tal, que no interfiera con los derechos de los otros alumnos.
4. Asista a la clase puntualmente.
5. Completar el trabajo asignado.
6. Respetar todas las propiedades de la escuela.
7. Llevar a la casa todas los anuncios, informes de progreso, y notas de conferencias que se le dan para los padres.
Firma del Alumno __________________________________________________________
Responsabilidades de los Padres
Como padre de la escuela Canyon Springs, yo seré responsable de lo siguiente:
1. Motivar en sus hijos el deseo de aprender y hacer lo mejor.
2. Ayudar a sus hijos a desarrollar una conducta aceptable, que incluya el control y la responsabilidad por sus actos.
- Conocer, entender y apoyar las reglas que se espera que sigan sus hijos.
- Muestre respeto en presencia de sus hijos y otros adultos para el personal y la administración de la escuela.
- Asistir a todas las conferencias para discutir el progreso de sus hijos.
- Leer todas las notas y informes de progreso que vienen de la escuela.
- Asegurarse que sus hijos no falten a la escuela sin necesidad y que lleguen a tiempo cada día.
- Asegurarse que sus hijos completen las tareas y las regresen a la escuela el día apropiado.
- Asegurarse que sus hijos disfruten de buena salud y que tengan buena nutrición.
- Escribir notas por las ausencias el día en el cual sus hijos regresen a la escuela.
- Recoja a sus hijos de la escuela puntualmente. Informe en la oficina cualquier emergencia o cambio.
- Comunicarse con la escuela regularmente y en una manera positiva.
- Mantener a la escuela al día de cualquier cambio de número de teléfono o dirección.
- Ser financieramente responsable por cualquier material, o libros que hayan roto o perdido.
Firma del Padre __________________________________________________________
Comunicación constante entre maestros y padres es esencial para el éxito de los estudiantes.