Sulphur Springs Elementary School
Our School Vision
Empowering all learners to be authentic innovators in a collaborative community willing to take risks to change their world.
School History
Sulphur Springs Community School is nestled in the foothills of Santa Clarita, California, about 40 miles northeast of Los Angeles. Established by Colonel Mitchell in 1872, Sulphur Springs Community School has played an important role in the history of the Santa Clarita Valley. At present, Sulphur Springs is the oldest active school in Los Angeles County. Our state-of-the-art facility bears little resemblance to its humble beginnings as a one-room adobe schoolhouse. Our spacious campus is located in a park like setting distinguished by Heritage Oaks. A visit to Sulphur Springs School reveals an environment where high expectations, positive morale, dedication to the highest quality education and a sense of camaraderie are prevalent.
Sulphur Springs Community School is a leader among California’s elementary schools. We received the California Distinguished School Award in 1997, 2002, 2006, and 2013.
Who We Are
Sulphur Springs currently has a student body of approximately 600 students. We have 18 regular classrooms and eight special day classes. Our support staff includes two Learning Support Teachers, two Speech and Language Specialists, a Resource Teacher, a School Psychologist, an Adaptive P.E. Teacher, and an Occupational Therapist. We have a consultant contract with Cultivating Creative Minds for music, movement, and art instruction. We have a Computer Lab Specialist that works with our classes on a weekly basis and a Science Lab that is used by grades Kindergarten through Sixth on a weekly basis. Our two Community Liaisons assist our Spanish-speaking community by communicating with them frequently, supporting their needs, and providing translation when needed.
Our Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes have 26 students with a full-day schedule. Reading instruction in primary grades is enhanced by our programs such as Imagine Learning, reading in both Fiction and Non-Fiction text, focusing on reading comprehension, and a Response to Intervention model that focuses on closing the student achievement gap. Additionally, most of our teachers are trained in Orton-Gillingham, a multi-sensory approach to teaching students how to read. Various intervention strategies in all grades support the learning of our students who have not yet met grade-level standards. We have incorporated Imagine Math and Reflex Math as interventions and enrichment.
The use of technology is integrated throughout the curriculum and enhances school operations. The standard in each classroom includes a SmartBoard, teacher's laptop, teacher's iPad, sound system, and document camera. This technology standard also includes a second Smart Board and a 3:1 ratio of iPads. All students are assigned their own device for instruction; students in grades TK through First utilize an iPad and Second through Sixth utilize a Chromebook. We continually seek innovative means to expand and update our existing technology through district-provided technology training and professional development. Every student, TK-6, has supervised access to the Internet in the classroom on Apple laptops, Chromebooks, and iPads. Staff, students, and the community participate in training aimed at increasing computer literacy and the ability to access meaningful information.
School pride is evident throughout the campus and something that makes Sulphur Springs Community School unique. At monthly Spirit Assemblies, students are recognized for their accomplishments, and achievements are celebrated. The school cheer team gets the crowd involved, our 6th-grade monthly award recipients help to announce awards, and our PTA gets involved with raffles for students who submit Box Tops to help with school fundraising and have perfect attendance. Every Friday, students and staff are attired in their spirit wear and adorn themselves in head-to-toe red and blue, the school colors. Sixth-grade students have a variety of "spirit" days, such as "twin day" and "crazy hat day," scheduled during the school year. We are very proud to be the Mustangs and have a strong sense of pride, tradition, and spirit.
Pride, Tradition, and Spirit since 1872