Canyon Springs Community School
August 2023
Canyon Springs Families:
Welcome to Canyon Springs Community School! I am Matt Gilpin, the proud principal of this amazing school. I have spent the last 17 years as an elementary school teacher in the Castaic Union and Burbank Unified School districts before servicing as an assistant principal in the Palmdale School District. I am honored to be the new principal of your Canyon Springs Community School.
As we embark on the 2023-2024 school year together, the focus of our goals and efforts at Canyon Springs is one word: Connection! At Canyon Springs we connect our everyday, rigorous learning to our everyday lives both in and out of school. Through academic programs and curricula, such as i-Ready and a thriving, robust RTI initiative, our students receive personalized instruction connected to their learning needs.
Yet… our connected learning is just a start. We at Canyon Springs Community School understand that our students succeed and thrive because of the connections they make and maintain with one another and the highly trained teachers and staff. Canyon Springs is a Capturing Kids’ Hearts school, intentionally building long-lasting, supportive relationships between students, staff and families.
With staff and students connecting learning across subject matters and experiences while also fostering caring, empathetic relationships to build social/emotional connections, our final goal is to connect with you: our Canyon Springs Community School families! Great ways to get connected to Canyon Springs is by joining the PTA, attending Back to School Night and Parent Conferences, and volunteering in classrooms. Please don’t hesitate. We need you! And, if you need something, please call. Canyon Springs is the home to the district’s Family Resource Center where you can be connected with everything for future success.
The last, and most important, way for you to be connected to all things Canyon Springs is through ParentSquare. Be sure you have the app installed so you don’t miss a school announcement, a sign up, an update on your student(s)’ learning and more.
For everything else, please connect with us by calling the school office at 661.252.4322.
Thank you for joining us for this, sure to be, extraordinary school year.
Your principal,
Matt Gilpin