Local Control and Accountability Plan
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a 3-year Plan built on the District’s mission, vision, and goals for our students in grades transitional kindergarten to 6th grade. Together, these guide the overall direction for the District’s programs and operations.
Educational Partner feedback and input is sought on an annual basis. Parents and District staff partner together to review the progress toward our goals. We examine data and gather feedback from students, families, staff, and community. Reviewing the goals and actions guides decisions about actions and services that will be implemented on behalf of students, as well as, the cost for those actions and services.
Sulphur Springs Union School District’s LCAP has four goals that includes baseline data, metrics, actions, and budgets to improve outcomes for students.
LCAP Parent Input Meetings 2023-2024
LCAP - Parent Input Meetings 2324 - FINAL for Website.pdf 63.26 KB (Last Modified on November 21, 2023) -
Superintendent Responses 2022-2023 LCAP & 2023-2024 LCAP
LCAP Superintendent Responses 22_23 LCAP and 23_24 LCAP.pdf 508.04 KB (Last Modified on June 6, 2023)
Superintendent Responses to Stakeholder Comments on LCAP, LCP, ELO, 2020-21, Spanish
Stakeholder Comments Responses from Supt 2020 21 Spanish.pdf 908.47 KB (Last Modified on June 4, 2021) -
Superintendent Responses to Stakeholder Comments on LCAP, LCP, ELO, 2020-21, English
Stakeholder Comments Responses from Supt 2020 21 English.pdf 1.32 MB (Last Modified on June 4, 2021)
CA Dashboard Mobile App
The California Department of Education launched a mobile app for the California School Dashboard. The mobile app provides parents and educators greater access to the Dashboard, especially for parents who may not have access to a personal computer. By allowing easier access, the app may facilitate more parent engagement and participation in discussions that will improve student learning.
The California School Dashboard app is now available on the iOS App Store, the Google Play Store, and the Microsoft Store by searching for the term “CA Dashboard.” More information about the app and links to the app stores can be found at https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/mo/cadashboard.asp.