School Social Worker Services

  • School Social Workers support our students, families, and staff in many ways.  They remove barriers that prevent students from attending school and/or thriving in school, they guide the mental health referral process at each school, they provide counseling and case management, they connect families to resources, they conduct student risk assessments, and they provide social-emotional learning lessons and other preventative services / supports at every site.

    School Social Worker names and school assignments:


    Canyon Springs:

    Fair Oaks Ranch:

    Golden Oak:

    Leona Cox:

    Mint Canyon:



    Sulphur Springs:

    Valley View:

    Family Resource Center

    The Family Resource Center is located on the Canyon Springs campus and offers food, clothing, toiletries, school supplies, and many other resources to all SSUSD families.

    Click this link for more information, or contact Ashley Swanson.